In 2014 the European Commission launched a new, centrally managed funding programme with the aim of generating, sharing and spreading best practice in sport across Europe in order to support increased levels of participation, physical activity and voluntary activity.
Navitas Sports accessed €500,000 through this funding on behalf of the Football League Trust in 2014, for a 3-year project that aims to develop a European Effective Practice Model for sport inspired social inclusion programmes.
In 2015, we submitted a further application on behalf of England Hockey for a project that will develop an Employability Skills Framework and Employment Agency Model for European Dual Career Athletes and Coaches.
The 2016 funding round will open in late 2015, with an application deadline of May 2016 (exact date TBC). Please contact us if you are interested in discussing how Navitas Sports can help your organisation to access this funding.
"David Roe and Navitas Sports were an integral part of our successful Erasmus+ Sport proposal, expertly shaping a basic idea and refining to fit within EU policy. We would recommend other organisations to make use of Navitas’ skills in this area."
— Angus Martin – Business Development Manager, The Football League Trust